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佳達在電線電纜行業(yè)中深耕不輟,屢獲殊榮,先后榮獲“中國馳名商標”“湖南名牌產(chǎn)品”湖南省守合同重信用單位”“標準化良好企業(yè)AAA企業(yè)” “國家檢驗總局監(jiān)管AA級企業(yè)” “湖南省質(zhì)量信用A級企業(yè)” “中國馳名商標” “高新技術(shù)企業(yè)”等各種榮譽。產(chǎn)品覆蓋湖南、湖北、廣東、廣西、江西、貴州、四川等20多個省、市。

  Jiada Cable Co. , Ltd. is located in Guanxi town, Dingcheng District, Changde (no. 001, Gangzhong West Road, Changde high-tech Industrial Development Zone) . It was founded in 1998 with a registered capital of 118 million yuan and total assets of over 100 million yuan. Covers an area of more than 80,000 square meters, construction area of more than 50,000 square meters. The leading products are high voltage cross-linking, low smoke halogen-free, prefabricated branches, overhead insulation, overhead stranded wire, flame-retardant cable, control cable, special cable, etc. . Based on the deep understanding of the development trend of wire and cable, Jada R & D team, which is composed of experts and technical backbone, is committed to the innovation and application of wire and cable products. The company has a complete scientific management system, the implementation of scientific, humane management. Enterprises have passed ISO9001 quality management system certification, ISO14001 Environmental Management System Certification and occupational health and Safety Management System Certification. Jada has worked hard in the wire and cable industry and has won many awards, has Won "China well-known trademark" "Hunan famous brand products" "Hunan Province to abide by the contract credit unit" "standardized good enterprise AAA" "the State Administration of Inspection Aa Level Enterprise" "Hunan Province quality credit a level enterprise" "China well-known trademark" "high and new technology enterprise" and other honors. Products cover Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan and more than 20 provinces, cities. In the future, Gada will continue to uphold people-oriented, quality first, unity and cooperation, pioneering and innovative core values. To provide customers with quality products and services, to create a "positive, upward, harmonious" human environment and development platform for employees, for society, for the state to assume the responsibility of "corporate citizens" , committed to becoming a leader in the wire and cable industry.

佳達電纜有限公司 ,佳達電纜,湖南佳達,

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